Artwork 2000 - 2003 - Gift Art!
This is the first time I have ever needed to create a "Gift Art" webpage. I only have 3 artists who have drawn in my sketchbook. I am very shy on asking folks to draw in it. This is why you will see an almost 3 year space between the first art piece and the second.
I want to thank all those that have drawn in my sketchbook for their wonderful works and I love all the artwork!
![]() 1-7-2000 |
Shannon Stewart was the first person I asked to sketch in my book. She did this during FC-2000. I really love her work and I actually bid on one of her pieces that went to auction. Hey, I had $25 in my pocket to spend on what ever I wanted at the con, so I bid on one of her art pieces. To my dismay though, the piece I actually bid on, went past my measily $25 and ended up selling at auction for over $700! |
![]() 12-22-2002 |
This is a sketch by Kattywampus, the "Cuddly Battleship". I am trying to find out the name of the character so as soon as I find out I can give him his proper name. She drew this for me when she stayed over night after attending a surpise birthday party I had given my mate, WhiteShepherd. |
![]() 1-25-2003 |
This one was drawn by Cirrus, whom we just met at the Furry Coffee on Jan 25, 2003. He was kind enough to also sketch something in my sketchbook. He did ask me what I wanted him to draw. For me, I think the artist will do their best work in a sketchbook drawing something they are used to drawing and know. I told him to draw what he was best at drawing. He drew himself. Very cute pic, don't you think? |
![]() 3-4-2003 |
This one was drawn by Ayame. She is a great artist and for some strange reason she had this urge to sketch a pic of WhiteShepherd and myself! We totally love how it turned out and thanked her for her wonderful kindness! |
![]() 4-19-2003 |
This one was drawn by Sefina at our gathering Saturday, April 19, 2003. Wonderful pic, Sefina! Thank you. |
![]() 4-19-2003 |
This one was drawn by Lorianna at our gathering Saturday, April 19, 2003. She didn't know what to put in my sketch book and neither did I so someone suggested she do a jackal. So, she did and this was the result. Wonderful pic Lorianna! Thank you. |
![]() 4-19-2003 |
This one was drawn by Dizzy the Yote at our gathering Saturday, April 19, 2003. When the artists didn't want to draw on the upright art board any more I asked Joey if he would get some paper from his mothers printer for folks to draw on. She this piece and gave it to me to add to my sketchbook since she was tired of drawing. Wonderful pic Dizzy! Thank you. |
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